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If you need to talk to someone about PPCM, we have listed some local contacts below. We are not medical professionals and always encourage you to seek cardiologists experienced with PPCM for help. Any information or help provided by us, is from our own experience and knowledge about PPCM.


Jeanee Andrewartha

Founder of "I have University majors in Statistics and English Literature and am a writer, website consultant and director of a website development company. I was diagnosed with PPCM in July 2011, and made a full recovery and went on to have a healthy pregnancy and baby in 2014. On my road to recovery I explored and used many natural alternative therapies, diet and nutrition and have read extensively about PPCM, heart disease from both a statistical, research based modality as well as a natural health perspective but I believe the most important aspect of recovery is faith and hope."

+ 61 3 5283 1959

United States

Noelle Priolo is also an American Heart Association ambassador and actively involved in the Go Red For Women Ambassador Committee.

"I became a first time mother to healthy, beautiful, happy daughter on July 29th 2010. When my daughter was only 8 days old I was diagnosed with PPCM finding myself in the Cardiac Unit, tearfully away from my newborn for a week. I was determined to become a recovered survivor. I spent that winter caring for my body via nutrition and sleep, also soaking in every glorious moment of motherhood. By Spring 2011 I started walking while pushing my daughter in a stroller- she always gave me a grin of confidence. My walks started by measuring blocks I could accomplish and by early Summer I was speed walking 2 miles. I decided the best way to celebrate life was by forming a team for the Fall 2011 American Heart Association Heart Walk. Around the time of the Heart Walk I found out I was completely recovered, medication free, with an EF of 60!!! The walk was a beautiful celebration while being surrounded by my closest family and friends. That's when I got the courage to keep doing more to allow PPCM the awareness it deserves. We have joyously done the AHA Chicago Heart Walk every year since. I was able to connect with amazing women from all over the world through Facebook support groups which has allowed me the opportunity to be a knowledgeable contact for I proudly accepted 2 "Top Walker" plaques for funds raised by walking. Winter of 2011 my personal story was published by the AHA in "Notes From the Heart". Over the past 2 years I have also been involved in the Go Red For Women act. I have fundraised, attended numerous events, took part in National Go Red day with fundraising, gathered items for the silent auction at the annual Go Red Luncheon, and was even a survivor model in a small fashion show. I was afforded the opportunity to share my story with many clinicians at the fashion show February 2014. This Fall I humbly excepted the role as "Chicago's 2015 Mrs. Go Red". The AHA/Go Red will be using my story, pictures of my family and even a short film presented at the Go Red Luncheon February 2015 to help personalize the campaign against women's Heart Disease. Some links to the social media presentation of "Noelle's Story"........

View Noelle on

I have great faith for the future of PPCM and women's heart health in general. I have authentic enthusiasm to help all so please feel free to reach out either via email or phone. Happy, healthy hearts to all!!!!"


Jolynne Shreve

"I am a licensed practical nurse and am currently working on my BSN-RN. I have been a nurse for seven years, and after finishing my BSN I plan on specializing in a more holistic approach to recovery. In November 2012 I became a PPCM survivor. This has been a journey of healing and self discovery. I would be more than happy to share my experience with you."


United Kingdom

Yvonne Britton

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