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The Best and Worst week of my life

I have wanted to be a mother since my earliest of memories. Lots of young girls dream about their wedding day and marriage. All I used to dream about was being a mom. I couldn't wait until it was my turn. When I was 29 I got pregnant

15 min read

Woke up confused.

I have a hard time finding another story quite like mine no matter how hard I look. I was 26 and pregnant with my second child. It was a planned C section due to my first child's failure to progress and the complications I had faced. I was

2 min read

Do all new moms feel like this?

My story starts on Sunday, May 21st, 2017. I was 39 weeks pregnant with my first child and the current measurements at the time were estimating our child would be around 10.5 lbs if the baby went full term. Due to concerns about the size and potential issues during

14 min read

Robitussin Doesn't Cure Heart Failure

It’s been one year since my experience with peripartum cardiomyopathy, and in that one year, I’ve realized several things. I should have been more assertive. I should have been that patient that raises hell. I should have called my mom. But let’s go back. Everything with my

8 min read

PPCM with subclinical hyperthyroidism

I'm 27 years old and was just diagnosed with PPCM yesterday. I gave birth to my third child, Adelaide, on October 16, 2016. I'm almost positive that I had PPCM after my second child, Dawson, but I was never diagnosed. Right after I had my son

2 min read

Surrogate mom

I had always wanted to be a surrogate mom. Knowing I could give someone the ultimate gift of life meant so much to me. That dream finally came true in 2016. I absolutely fell in love with the intended parents and we still have a special bond. Both embryos took

2 min read

Still Recoverying And I Won't Give Up

I'm 22 years old, when I was 18 I found out I was pregnant with my son. My pregnancy went pretty well. No complications. Toward the end of my pregnancy I started feeling short of breath, had a lot of swelling. When I went to my last appointment

3 min read


Found out i had this when I went into labor at 33 weeks with my twins i have a icd placed aug 15 2016. Still being treated My Details * Date Diagnosed: 24/04/2016 * Child: 1 * Initial EF: 10 * Current EF: 10 Story By Kristin Mau

1 min read

Fool me twice...

I was never, ever, never going to have another baby. My first son came out perfect after 3 hours of pushing, tearing and epidural wearing off during the episiotomy. Two hours later I was in the bathroom with a nurse, watching more and more blood spread all over the place.

3 min read

It was a normal pregnancy

Hi My name is Tara. In the last trimester of my first pregnancy I began to feel out of breath more often, I couldn’t lay flat in bed and had to prop myself up at night with multiple pillows, I was going to the bathroom a lot, and I

2 min read

Believe It Or Not

I was recently informed that I had a 'silent heart attack'. Thinking back on the symptoms I was asked about by the cardiologist I realized this was during prodromal labor in July. I experienced very intense contractions, one after another after another but they didnt settle into a

1 min read

Healing heart...

My pregnancy was healthy and uneventful.  My BP, which is usually low, started to go up in the final 2-3 weeks of pregnancy, but it was still well within the normal range and urine tests showed no proteins or other signs of preeclampsia so my doctors weren't concerned.

3 min read

July 5th 2016

Hello. My name is Lacey. I live near Portland Oregon. I am a wife and a mother. I have a 3 (soon to be 4) year old son and a 4 month old daughter. I was diagnosed with PPCM on July 5th 2016. I have had no prior heart complications

5 min read

PPCM in a first time mom

Hello! My name is Trina and I was diagnosed with PPCM in April 2015. I was 33 years old and 9 months pregnant. In the mid of my pregnancy, I was diagnosed with bronchitis and pnemonia. I was given an antibiotic and an inhaler. I got better rather quickly and

2 min read

I didn't hold my baby until...

My due date was March 4, 2016. My water broke at 430am on February 9, 2016 and we went to the hospital. I knew I would have to deliver because I tested positive for Strep B so we needed to start antibiotics right away. We were admitted into a room

5 min read

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