
For the Eternal God, the Father of all life. whose faithfulness is new every morning.

In memory of Jasher, whose life blessed us and taught us a better way of living.

For our dear friends, Duncan Mac Gregor (Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne) and Trish O’Brien (VIFM) - gemstones that shine in the darkness; whose love and support mean so much.

To Dr.Stephen Brand for his candour and concern.

Thanks to my husband, Bruce Andrewartha for his love and support, and the long hours programming to bring to fruition the site that I believed could be developed.

To my gorgeous children, who inspire me with their love and friendship.

Passion Computing for hosting and site maintenance.

To Noelle Priolo and Yvonne Britton for all your work raising awareness and providing support to heart sisters.

To Amy Savvenas of (Opabox soaps & toothbars brushing alternative provides a natural nonabrasive way of restoring teeth naturally) for the design work on the PPCM t-shirts and heart design.

To all my heart sisters, who are truly inspirational.

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Money goes towards my writing, advocacy work, hosting and web development.

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