PPCM at 27

1 min read

I was 1 day post c-section when I went into heart failure after having my 1st child.  I woke up having trouble breathing and could feel my chest rattle with every breath i took.  I am a respiratory therapist so I knew something wasnt right.  After an x-ray, echo and tons of blood work and txs i was transfered to the CICU at Abington Memorial Hospital where I spent 2.5 days on heart meds and in bed without my baby boy by my side.  I could have short visits with him throughout the day and night but it just wasnt the same.  My son is 100% healthy and I count my blessings everyday for that.  My husband and I know how lucky we are and cherish every moment we have with him.  My EF went down to 40% and as of my last ECHO in October we are only back up to 45%.  I am now on 2 meds and get my next ECHO on February 27th and we are hoping for good news!  My cardiologist is very optomistic which makes me optomistic as does reading some of your stories on here ladies!!  It is recommended that I do not have anymore children which is heart breaking but like i said we are blessed our son is happy and healthy and we continue to stay positive!  Hoping for a good visit on the 27th and of course for a full recovery :-)

My Details

  • Date Diagnosed: 16/09/2014
  • Child: 1
  • Initial EF: 40%
  • Current EF: 55%

Story By Tara Mauer

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Woke up confused.

I have a hard time finding another story quite like mine no matter how hard I look. I was 26 and pregnant with my second

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