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Virtually symptomless PPCM

In the third trimester of my second pregnancy I started experiencing dizziness, shortness of breath if I exerted myself, and felt on the verge of fainting if I stood in one place for longer than a couple minutes.  My doctors (and I) had attributed to being pregnant/gestational diabetes. After

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This is supposed to be the happiest time of your life.

Hi. I'm Amanda. I'm 29 years old, and I just had my first child in April. She is beautiful and healthy. I was diagnosed with ppcm the day my daughter and I were being released from the hospital. She was released, and instead I was transported

4 min read

28 yr old diagnosed May 2015

I was diagnosed 5 days after delivering my little one in mid May. I had not shown any previous symptoms during my pregnancy ( I did have HBP prior to pregnancy but was controlled throughout my whole pregnancy up until wk 38). They induced me 2 weeks early and I was

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Self diagnosed PPCM

June 8th, 2015 is the day that changed our lives forever.  This is both the date I was officially diagnosed with PPCM, and also the day my son was born. I had a pretty easy pregnancy.  Baby was due June 23, 2015.  We had gotten pregnant pretty easily after only

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Sarah Bradley - My story

I am so so thankful to have found this page! I wound up with peripartum cardiomyopathy during the end of my pregnancy with my second son. They induced me at 34 weeks and I stayed in the hospital for a couple of weeks on a long list of medications. I

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Crysti's story

Our pastor, Rick asked us to share "how the good hand of God was upon us" so here is my story. In 2000, my husband and I had been married for a little over 2 years when we were surprised to find out we were expecting a baby.

5 min read

Scary moment

I am not native american. I have been in US for 6 years. So my english is not good. Sorry about this. Now, my baby son is almost 8 weeks. I have vaginal delivery. I figured out i have PPCM when my baby was 6 weeks old. Its still nightmare

2 min read

4 and an half years in!

My lovely daughter (second child) arrived 4 and a half years ago, a very special day!   I had been experiencing some breathlessness late in pregnancy, but I had considered this to be normal late pregnancy symptoms.  A day or two after her arrival I experienced severe breathlessness, struggled to walk

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healthy and 29 years old with heart failure?!?!

On February 9th, 2015, my beautiful baby boy was born! It was my first pregnancy and everything about it was perfect! I was in hard labor for almost 24 hours and eventually had to have an emergency C-section. I became very swollen after the surgery, but was told by the

4 min read

Living the PPCM (and other issues) life!

Hi! My name is Candice Lee. I had my third child, a little boy on July 1, 2014. This was a definite suprise baby, as my other two are 16, & 13! My pregnancy was much more difficult than I remembered! Plus I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes around 17

3 min read

Ten days After Twins

On April 25th after holding off preterm labor for several weeks I had a relatively uncomplicated vaginal birth to twin boys at 34 weeks 3 days.  I previously had a baby girl in July of 2009.  Ten days after they were born I was visiting them in the NICU when

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A New Life

I gave birth to my 5th child almost 3 years ago. I was a very difficult pregnancy and around 30 weeks I stated to show signs of what they thought was preeclampsia. Although I spilled tons of.protein in my urine it didnt match with my mostly stable blood pressures.

1 min read

21 days in june

I was 27 and was having my 3rd son after 17 hours of labor I had to have a csection I was sent home 3 days later only 24 hours after going home I began having sever pain in my right chest and difficult breathing I returned to the hospital

1 min read

4 Hearts Later My Sister Is Older than Me!

I found your page while doing "researh". I'll expand on this story later but I'm an older student (56!) and having to do a powerpoint on a body system for my human biology class. I picked cardiovascular/Heart. Meg was 23 yrs old when

1 min read

Very Blessed

My family has many heart problems.  I was told that this was not related.  I had my son December 19th, 1994.  I was VERY Swollen and thirsty all the time.  I saw a cardiologist when I was around 3 months pregnant since I had previously had heart surgery as a

2 min read

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