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21 year old new mom of twins!!

Carrying twins was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I carried to 37 wks and 3 days and delivered via c - section. During my 3 day stay in the hospital after having them my o2 level would drop into the 80's and they

2 min read

Thought it was nothing.

I gave birth to my daughter August 24th 2007.  She was my third live baby, delivered via scheduled c-section.  I had had several miscarriages and she was my 6th pregnancy.  She was a very healthy 9lb 15oz bundle of energy.  I felt better than ever after delivery, stayed the normal

3 min read

Alyssa's story

I was diagnosed after I had my first son. I was rushed to the operating room to have a c-section and just told I was having heart failure. I remember just watching the heart monitor as they were performing the c-section and just praying I would live to see my

1 min read

Still Scared

I'm Amanda and I am 27 years old. I became pregnant with my third child in June of 2011. To be honest I wasn't happy about this pregnany for a while because the pregnancy right before it I had a stillborn at 34 weeks and I

3 min read

Diagnosed With PPCM after Having Twins

I am 22 and in March of 2014 I was pregnant with twin girls. We were ecstatic because they were our first babies and everything leading up to their birth had gone so smoothly. I was monitored very closely because they were twins and towards the end I was seeing

2 min read

Sheena's PPCM

It started with my 2nd pregnancy. I knew I would have alittle trouble with my pregnancy because I had gestational diabeties with my first. Of course I developed gestational diabeties again, but it was harder to maintain. Then I gained a lot of water weight and my doctor never said

1 min read

Faith and Strength

Only a few days ago I found out I am pregnant with my fifth - I have three live children and had one miscarriage in 2009.  My last live birth was 2006.  It was this one in which I was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy.  Here are the stats from my births:

6 min read

Fight for life

In 2007, I had just given birth to my baby boy and 3 days later found myself in the cardiac unit at Rex Hospital having difficulty breathing. My lungs were full of fluid and my LV Ejection Fraction was 6%. Nurses were telling Chad to hold the baby where I

1 min read

heart what?? I'm only 27

Ok so this is one of the hardest things I'll ever wright. I was 27 years old pregnant with my 3rd child, my first girl. The pregnancy was harder than my prior 2. I had gestational diabetes and preclampsia. During what was to be my last month my

2 min read

Birth of Foster ♡

For all my past, present and future heart sisters, and to those who lost the battle!! Imagine going in to the hospital to have your child... Mind you I was expecting a C-section, but wasn't expecting to be told that I had to be put under completely... Next

1 min read

Heart Failure at 35?!!?

We had tried to have kids for 13 years, finally in 1995 I finally got pregnant with AI. He was born 7 weeks early and was only 3.5 lbs.  The second preganancy was a fluke. We weren't trying but we weren't trying not too either.

2 min read

Seven Days

One early Sunday morning, my seven day old son saved my life. While up with him, I noticed my breathing was strained and I felt out of sorts. Myles, my little son, was my third child..joining his then nine and seven year old sisters. I was anxiety ridden and

1 min read

Ppcm at 17

I was diagnosed with PPCM when I was 17 years old in July of 2011, about 5 days after my son was born. I was fine during my pregnancy, just blood pressure clomplications. It was horrible, I was in the hospital close to two weeks, my heart failed and lungs

1 min read

The Day it went down!

From the begining of my pregnancy I wanted to do everything natural. Have a natural child birth, no pain meds or anything, and breast feed! I was so mentally ready for all of that. The begining of my pregnancy was normal... morning sickness, cravings, you know, all that good stuff.

4 min read

The Sudden and Unexplained Catastrophe of My Second Birth

My story starts at the birth of my second child in 2011. It was a long VBAC which became a transfer to hospital and a C-section. That same day I was sitting in a hospital bed in a haze of post birth hormones having cuddles and feeding and already wondering

3 min read

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