PPCM with subclinical hyperthyroidism

2 min read

I'm 27 years old and was just diagnosed with PPCM yesterday. I gave birth to my third child, Adelaide, on October 16, 2016. I'm almost positive that I had PPCM after my second child, Dawson, but I was never diagnosed. Right after I had my son I ended up in the ER with high blood pressure, which I never had before. They ruled out pre-clampsia, did a chest X-ray and sent me home. My blood work also came back that my tsh levels were low, pointing toward hyperthyroidism. I was having severe anxiety attacks, heart palpitations, and my legs were extremely swollen. Every time I went to the dr. hey told me that it was normal postpartum symptoms. After about 5 months after having my son I had finally felt normal again. I was taking propranolol for my high BP and methimazole for my tsh levels. In 2016 I became pregnant again with my third.

They switched me to Labetalol during pregnancy because propranolol isn't recommended. My whole pregnancy was great. Minor swelling in my ankles, blood pressure was always good. Delivery went well also, it was actually the easiest delivery I've had. The only difference was I had strep-b during this preganacy and was given 15 BAGS of the medicine that they have to give you. They started the meds as soon as they started the induction process (which took a while). My daughter had jaundice so I was in the hospital for 5 days total. After I went home my BP increased. I took at Walmart and it was 170/110. Got a home blood pressure machine and called my OB the next day. They brought me in and increased my Labetalol, told me to follow up with my primary care. My primary care dr. put me on lisinopril. I felt AWFUL.

Went back and asked to be put back on the propranolol that I was taking post pregnancy. I was taking 10 mg lisinopril once a day and 10 mg propranolol 3 times a day. I also went to see an endocrinologist because I knew my tsh levels were dropping again. Sure enough they were, but my t3 and t4 were fine. My endocrinologist suggested that I saw a cardiologist because she couldn't blame my heart problems solely on my thyroid. Well yesterday I found out I have cardiomyopathy with an EF of 45%. My cardiologist didn't seem too concerned about it. Im 5 months postpartum and really the only symptoms I have are pvc's and sometimes shortness of breath. He did increase my propranolol to 15mg 3 times a day. And I go back in a week for a stress test.

What's aggravating to me is since giving birth, I've been to the ER twice. The one dr. flat out told me that I didn't have cardiomyopathy. That he has seen PPCM before and I didn't have it. I will say they gave me a chest x-ray and my heart size was normal. ECG results came back with possible LVH. Which in now know was more than likely the cardiomyopathy. I'm so blessed that this has now been diagnosed!! My life is without a doubt in the Lord's hands. I give him all the credit in keeping me safe and alive to be a wife, and a mother. I'm praying that with lifestyle changes (exercising, juicing, supplementing) and taking my medicine I will make a full recovery. Has anyone else experienced thyroid issues along with PPCM?

My Details

  • Date Diagnosed: 23/03/2017
  • Child: 3
  • Initial EF: 45
  • Current EF: 45

Story By Sarah Rutherford

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