Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

This was suppose to be a happy time, what the hell happened ?

I was diagnosed with PPCM  after giving birth to my 3rd son on July 16th, 2013 at age 42. I have been short of breath since before having my baby, but I wrote it off to him taking up so much  room on my body. After all, he was 10lbs 4 oz. I did actually feel a little better after delivery. I quickly lost the baby weight, but i remained very tired and short of
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

Grief and the death of a baby

A speech shared at Annual Remembrance Service Hope Bereavement, Geelong West Town Hall 2nd December 2013 Our son, Jasher died on the 10th July 2011 at home and a few days later, I was diagnosed with postpartum cardiomyopathy, a life threatening form of heart failure that happens as a result of pregnancy. It was undeniably, one of the hardest times of our lives; losing a baby but also facing the prospect of losing my own
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

Living with PPCM

I had a beautiful bouncing baby boy via emergency c-section late in the evening of Tuesday, May 22,2001. After being induced twice and being in labor for about 38 hours. My sweet boy decided it was time to make his appearance, however my body was not ready. I did not fully dialate. So, off to the operating room we went to deliver my bundle of joy. Through the last weeks of my pregnancy I
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

Discovery and Recovery: my PPCM story

I should have known something was wrong when I had to sit to take a shower. i should have known something was wrong when i couldn't stop coughing and couldn't lay down at all much less to sleep. i was swollen and could hardly walk and breethe. Then I couldn't hold my baby..I had to get my older son to take care of him...thats when it hit
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

The Heart of a Young Mother

I wasn’t ready to be a mother when I got pregnant. I had been throwing up like crazy- seriously, the toilet and I had become best friends after I was hugging it all day every day. I decided to take a pregnancy test just to see if I could be. When I saw those two very solid neon pink lines parallel to one another, I cried because I knew my life wouldn’t be
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha


My husband and I tried to have a secong baby for a while, my first is 4 years old i had miscarried 6 times before we heard his little miracle heartbeat, when it was time to have another we thought it would be okay but again a tubal and a miscarriage then finally she hung on. 10 pregnancies we had. My first pregnancy I felt amazing full of life, and so healthy. This one was
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

My journey

Some of my story gets jumbled and fuzzy because I didn't understand what was happening. I will do my best to tell it the best I can remember. Thinking of this brings tears to my eyes and I have been putting this off for awhile now...I joined a couple of months ago and I can't bring myself to read people's stories because it is so near and dear
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

THIS is what a heart failure patient looks like. Not what you were expecting? Neither was I.

The title to my story comes from a logo on a tshirt I saw recently, and I think it fits this type of cardiomyopathy perfectly. I had my first two children at a young age, I'm 34 and they are now 17 and 13. I had no complications with either pregnancy, other than continous nausea, and thought I was done with child bearing. Then I got divorced, eventually remarried, and we had decided
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

This can't be right..

I've put this story off for quite some time. Some things I wish I could forget. Some things are quite blurry. Until myheartsisters, I can tell my story to someone, but it never quite sunk in. It's like being a mom, you don't know what it's REALLY like until you're actually there yourself. This may be long, may be scatter brained, but hang in there.
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

One of the lucky ones...

After reading stories from other PPCM patients, I realize that I am one of the lucky ones... My due date was March 5, 2012. On March 19th, I waddled into the maternity unit for an induction at 2:30 in the afternoon. Other than being two weeks over due, I had a great pregnancy. I was swollen and tired, but I was feeling pretty good. My son was born at 4:21 - a little
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

I'm so scared

Hi there! It was January 2013 that i was diagnosed with this illness, 2 months after i gave birth to my first child. On new years eve, i have difficulty in breathing due to my dry cough. The next day i went to the hospital and they found out that i have a community acquired pneumonia. I was admitted then to the hospital and do some laboratories. They found out the my heart is enlarged
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

Magnesium Supplementation and PPCM

Magnesium is indisputably essential for the proper functioning of the heart, calming the nervous system and relaxing the body. It was first shown to be beneficial to the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias in 1935 and also reduces blood pressure. Since then, there has been numerous studies showing that magnesium is beneficial for many types of arrhythmias including atrial fibrillation, ventricular premature contractions, ventricular tachycardia, and severe ventricular arrhythmias. Magnesium supplem
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

Still fighting

Apologize my english.  This was very difficult to me, like when I was diagnosed with diabetes type II. My first months of pregnancy were very good, but at my 35 week I was diagnose with preclamsia and the doctors send me to the hospital to stay there until my 37 week.  The doctors in that hospital treat me like an animal because they try to put me to deliver my baby with many things and
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

PPCM - Feb 27th 2013

My name is Vanessa and I was diagnosed with PPCM Feb 27th of 2013, 2.5 months after the birth of my son and 3 weeks after his passing.  My son was born very ill due to a random genetic deletion that we found through genetic testing that caused his heart to be non-compacted.  At his wake, I developed chest pain and palpitations.  It lasted for 3 weeks.  I finally decided to be checked out
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

My journey in the moment as it was happening

Thursday November 22, 2012 was the day that changed my world. Its thanksgiving and the first full day that we own our new house in rancho. The evening comes and we go to sue and mikes for thanksgiving dinner. I'm feeling uncomfortable and still swollen in my feet and legs.  Sue pulls out the blood pressure cuff for a family friend. I had a weird feeling with the thought of preeclampsia that I
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

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