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It seems to never end

My name is Kelly and I am 28 years old and a mother to 3 beautiful children.  I have two boys from a previous marriage and on April 17th 2013 I had my beautiful baby girl.  The pregnancy was very easy except having to have a third c-section due to

3 min read

my experience with ppcm

hello, my name is crystal I wanted to share my story with everyone that has been diagnosed with ppcm.on Thursday September 4,2014 I went in to the hospital for a repeated c section I was VERY VERY nervous about having the surgery done Again !that whole week I

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Counting our blessings

I got pregnant after nine months of trying back in 2010 with no fertility drugs – a win for someone with PCOS - but I had a very difficult pregnancy.  I was bed rested with preeclampsia at the end of my second tri, but I was told that nothing besides the

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Caught Early....

I started my family later in life, I am now 39 and just had my second daughter in January 2015.  The pregnancy was very normal, as was my first.  I have always had normal to low blood pressure and have always been normally healthy.  A couple days after my daughter

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marilyns story

I was having problems with my pregnancy,I had pre eclampsia and high blood pressure, headaches and protein in my urine.For the last few month of my pregnancy I was on bed rest,and was spending life in hopital being monitored an then home for a few days.I

3 min read


I'm going on 9 years with ppcm , I have been threw tons (no one should ever have to go threw) The  tests , doctors, hospital stays , tears, heart ache and the mental wellbeing of this all . I'm very thankful I'm still here for my life

1 min read

PPCM Survivor by Gods Grace

I am a 34 year old married woman with 2 beautiful young girls and a handsome little boy....all ages 8, 4 & 1. In January of 2014 I had my 3rd child, a son. I have had Endometriosis since I was in High School and becoming pregnant was difficult

2 min read

PPCM at 27

I was 1 day post c-section when I went into heart failure after having my 1st child.  I woke up having trouble breathing and could feel my chest rattle with every breath i took.  I am a respiratory therapist so I knew something wasnt right.  After an x-ray, echo and

1 min read

Remembering Heather

My name is Tanesha and I want to tell my niece’s story.  My niece, Heather, had 3 beautiful children already and did not plan to have more children.  Needless to say we (me and my family members) were surprised when she announced her 4th pregnancy at the age of

2 min read

Don't come back PPCM!

Feb, 22nd 2013 I gave birth to my lovely son. My pregnancy had been pretty normal, better than most I'd even say since I didn't get sick much. However towards the end I did develop carpal tunnel because of the extra fluid, which went away after

3 min read

Misty's Story

I was only 18 years old when I have birth to beautiful brown eyed little girl . Sept 3, 2001 was one of the happiest days of my life! I had carried my daughter full term perfect pregnancy I even worked up till the night my water broke! 2 am I

4 min read

34 with 6 children

Hello all, I am an 34 year old African American woman I have 8 children 6 living. Ages 18, 13, 11, 8, 6 and 4 months. My last pregnacy was really hard I just chalked it up to my age, I felt tired and heavy all the time. Late in

1 min read

Diagnosed during first pregnancy

Im so thankful that i happened upon this site!!  I wish I knew that PPCM was a sickness before I was pregnant.  I thought all my symptomes were just a normal part of pregnancy, like so many other victoms.  Most pregnant women dont appreciate it when you share your good

4 min read

4th Pregnancy!

I was diagnosed with PPCM on September 2,2014 the day after my fourth child was born.I had been short of breath and feeling very sick a week leading up to  the birth of my daughter told my Dr. And she said welcome to the 9 month of pregnancy

1 min read

Mary Roberts PPCM story

I was diagnosed with PPCM(postpartum cardiomyopathy) in November 2 weeks after I had my son Gavin. It was shocking and life changing news. The day before i was diagnosed I had called my Dad to tell him I wasnt feel right and was overwhelmed and asked if he could

5 min read

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