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My Broken Heart

My name is Holly Borrelle and I am a 33-year-old Peripartum Cardiomyopathy survivor.  I am only recently diagnosed in October 2011. Prior to my diagnosis I had never heard of PPCM and, looking back, I believe I had the “classic” symptoms  as early as 32 weeks into my pregnancy but

9 min read

Rya's Story

Hi, my name is Rya, I am 34 years old. I have a beautiful 6 year old daughter, a 2 year old son, and a baby boy who will be 3 months old this Friday. I was diagnosed with ppcm 3 weeks postpartum on May 11, 2012  with an EF

2 min read

Princess Ella Bella

It all starts six years ago when I got married. After our honeymoon I went to the ER for possible heart failure. They found "nothing" wrong. Soon we found out I was pregnant. The pregnancy was hard the whole way through. At 20 weeks I knew something wasn&

2 min read

Broken, but Mended by Grace

My beautiful daughter, Gwendolyn Grace, was born at 3:16pm via c-section on January 8, 2012. Even though my entire birth plan went out the window (no drugs...definately no epidural & vaginal birth) I was very excited to FINALLY be a mommy after wanting for 7 years to have

4 min read

My Story...

I am a childhood cancer survivor who at age 11 had to make the choice either to have my leg amputated or bone replaced. They said if I were to have the bone replaced the cancer would likely return and I wasn't able to be active. So I

3 min read

Double miracle...

So I dont know really know where to start. I had bad swelling from the end of the 2nd trimester, but my midwife sent me to the womens hospital a few times with swelling and a bit of protein and they checked me over and sent me home. It wasnt

3 min read

My Heart Belongs to My Boys

I was diagnosed with PPCM in September 2011.  I had my second son 2 weeks early on 08/25/11.  He was a beautiful boy weighing in at 9 lbs, 3 oz.  I was so excited that our little family would be complete.   My pregnancy was pretty uneventful until the

4 min read

A dark memory

Well it's been a year. Two days before fathers day last year this time I was in the ER. I never wrote my story before because I don't like to remember that I like to pretend it never happened. This was my third pregnancy ( not expected)

4 min read

A Story Of The Heart...

Firstly I would like to say there are so many Amazing stories to read on my heart Thank you for all sharing them with us! My story begins I think back in 2008 when we lost a baby at 14 weeks gestation (a missed misscarriage is what they

10 min read

Jen's Story

I'm not even sure how to start my story. It is quite long so here goes. I had my first baby in 2004 when I was 18 years old, still a senior in highschool. I had no problems whatsoever, he was perfectly healthy, I was perfectly healthy. I

3 min read


For me, this journey started eight months after my tubal ligation when I was told that somehow it had failed and I was now pregnant with baby number 6!  I couldn't believe it!  This would mean in a few short months I would have children ages 16, 9,

3 min read

Embrace the Moment

My water broke Monday, May 9th but labor didn't start until Thursday night. By Friday morning I was ready to go to the birth center. I had started swelling about half way through my pregnancy. It seemed excessive (I gained about 60 pounds) but my blood pressure was

3 min read

Living with Heart Disease After PPCM dx in 2000

In September of 2000, I found myself in the emergency room at five in the morning.  Nights of not being able to breathe right led me to this.  I was told I was in congestive heart failure and that was it.  Hindsight is 20/20 and if I knew then

4 min read

Julianna Baker-Ursch Story

In May 14, 2009 I had my daughter Tessa, She was 8lbs 10 oz and my second baby. I left the hospital after 24 hrs, and 4 days later we were at Children's hospital in St.Louis, Mo becuase she was jaundice. I was feeling bloated but I

5 min read

Jasher's story

It is hard to know where to begin my story and how I ended up with heart failure in pregnancy. It certainly wasn't something I expected and I usually had great pregnancies, vigorous births (2-8 contractions 10 minutes apart), and dream babies. If I were to compare my

88 min read

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