
Stories from our Members

135 Articles

My Husband saved my life

On August 17, 2011, I delivered a beautiful, healthy baby boy. Labor and delivery was short, easy, and I felt great. On Thursday night, August 18, while still in the hospital, my husband became concerned because I had mentioned a few times throughout the day that I was having trouble taking a deep breath. He asked the nurse to check me out before he left for the night and she heard something in my lungs.
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

My kids..My World

My name is Sonja.  I have (2) beautiful daughters, ages 6 and 9. My first pregnancy went well with no complications.I am a non-smoker, non-drinker and not over weight. I use to run cross country and the 100 meters all across the province- so I was very fit.  I was disgnosed with PPCM within a week after my 2nd daughter was born. At first they thought I had broken my tail bone, because I
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

My Journey Through PPCM

My name is Christina and survivor of PPCM. Before I was pregnant with my baby girl I worked out five days a week doing cardio yoga and strength training on top of eating a healthy diet. So when we found out I was pregnant, my husband and I were excited about a baby! I had preeclampsia with my first child 7 years before so this time I was taking every step to try to prevent
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

Sarah's story

At the age of 37 , following a healthy and happy pregnancy i delivered a gorgeous baby boy, sebastian 9lbs 1oz.I delivered at 38 weeks and was induced due to polyhydramnious , i was huge bump measuring 46 weeks at 38 weeks. Following a long labour and eventual forcep delivery we met our gorgeous son, however a few short hours later i was being rushed into surgery following a large post partum haemorrhage, i recieved 6
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

My PPCM Story

In Sept. 2001 our first child was born and I had a great pregnancy, c-section delivery, without any complications. In March of 2004,our second child was born with no complications in the pregnancy,or following delivery (via c-section). In March of 2007 I was pregnant with our third child. At 13 weeks pregnant  I started having lower abdominal pain. I went for an ultrasound and the baby had died. After the D&C,
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

My Mended Heart

I was ready to be a mother for years before I actually got pregnant.  I was so excited when I saw that I  barely there faint pink line next to the bright eye popping neon pink line women either love or hate to see telling them they are not pregnant.  Before I started reporting the news I took two more tests to be absolutely sure, after all I’m known to jump the gun and
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

K's PPCM Story

On March, 2012, seven days after the birth of our twins, my beautiful wife K suffered severe congestive heart failure. Pregnancy-induced congestive heart failure is a fairly rare condition.  While estimates vary, it seems to affect about 1 in 10,000 pregnant women--and is fatal for up to 30%.  As reported in USA Today, “the disease [often] goes undiagnosed until it's too late, because heart failure symptoms mimic those of a normal pregnancy.
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

I didnt know....

I went down to see family with my two boys who were 8 and 9 at the time. We spent a week visiting family and had a great visit. On the last night there I stayed the night with my grandmother. I stated having a very hard time breathing and would sit up and gasp for air. I thought I was allergic to something in her home. I went back to my parents the next
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

Xavier's Story

In August of 2007 i got pregnant with my 3rd child. In my previous pregnancy i had pre-eclampsia she was born a mo nth early by and emergency c-section. My first 4 months with my 3rd pregnancy were fairly normal. In december i got sick thought at first it was a cold. After about a week i was terrible sick couldnt lie down to sleep my legs were swollen. I felt terrible anxious it was
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

10 years and I'm finally telling my story

This is a long story. Every time I think of telling it I always shy away, justifying it by telling myself that I couldn't tell it without it being too fragmented and possibly making it sound too clinical because I can't begin to touch the emotion behind it. Here goes... I got pregnant at the age of 18, not the best circumstance but her father and I got married and were
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

Just Diagnosed and Scared

I've just been diagnosed with this very scary disease July 17, 2012. To start, I have 3 kids, 2 teenagers from a previous relationship, I got married 3 years ago to a nice man that didn't have any kids so I wanted to give him a child, my pregnancy was very challenging, I was very tired, when I did try to do things like go shopping, I could barely walk through
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

2 times

1st pregnancy was at 30 2/7 weeks. We flew, they were treating the breathing (they called it asthma)with a inhaler, and they said maybe pre-eclampsia. They had me go into the hospital for observation. BP was 180/110 and harder time breathing, with the spins. I stayed in the bed for almost 24 hours. The bp was almost normal and I felt a little better. They released me in the morning. I went
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

A coincidence ...or i would have been dead.

Starting from my pregnancy it was fairly easy. During the last 3 months I was diagnosed with gallstones! That was major hell. It hurt like crazy! That is th eonly thing I've EVER had wrong with me and my body.... Fast forward to my sons birth...... HE came out very fast. I only had hard labor for 45 minutes and received my epidural and 5 hours later I was pushing! He came out
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

My baby is my hero

Hello all, My PPCM story: I was 24 when I found out I was pregnant at 5"8, 108lbs. I always have been extremly thin and frail my entire life. Anyways, I had a pretty rough pregnancy and at about 7 weeks I started throwing up all day everyday ! When I was about 7 months, I would only get sick when I brushed my teeth. Anyways, towards the end, I was struggling to walk
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

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