Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

I didn't hold my baby until...

My due date was March 4, 2016. My water broke at 430am on February 9, 2016 and we went to the hospital. I knew I would have to deliver because I tested positive for Strep B so we needed to start antibiotics right away. We were admitted into a room by 530am and they started the meds. I was feeling great and excited to meet our baby 3-1/2 weeks early! What a treat!  They
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha


I had an uneventful pregnancy, no indication that I suffered from any cardiac issues. This was my second child, the older son was born 16 years earlier. I was 32 years old.My son was born 3 weeks early of his expected delivery date via vaginal delivery , nonetheless he was healthy and we both went home 2 days later. Day 3, at home I was feeling very ill as if I had the flu. I
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

New Momma Blues

Hi All, My name is Carmen and I was diagnosed with PPCM in October 2015. My EF at that time was 50 %. I was re-evaluated in February 2016 and EF was then 47%. After trial and errors with various medications, I stuck with Losartan 25 MG. My EF recently became 55-59%. I am hopeful and looking forward to living my life again. I feel stagnant. Some days are good, but others are not. I try
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

February 23, 2013, the day my life changed

Mackenzie was my second baby. She was born 8 years to the day after my oldest daughter, on Saturday, February 16th, 2013. Yes, my girls have the same birthday, that's my fun fact. My pregnancy was normal, for the most part. I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes about halfway through, but a slight change of the diet and a few finger prices a day was the only price I had to pay for
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

Chf and cardiomyopothy

My story starts with the birth of my daughter on February 21 2016. I went in for my induction and found out I had preclampsia. After a successful birth and healthy baby my blood pressure came down and they sent me home. Seven days later my blood pressure shot up to 200/127 And i became extremely swollen. I was told to go to the er immediately. There they found I had signs of congestive
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

My Heart Story

My name is Khristi. I am a mother and this is my heart story. In the summer of 2015 I had a beautiful 15 year old daughter at home and learned I was pregnant with my 2nd child, a precious boy. I was overjoyed but had a looming fear throughtout the pregnancy due to a strange dream I had. I was monitored closely throughout my entire pregnancy due to age and other minor health conditions
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

A survivor's story

fter the birth of my first child, a girl, in 2004 I was quite ill. The labour was difficult and I lost a lot of blood due to hemorrhaging. About a week after my daughter was born I began to have difficulty breathing, particularly when lying down. I had extreme swelling of my legs from the knees down. I was extremely weak and fatigued. I saw a doctor about a month post-partum, who attributed my
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

Never seen this coming

Where to start... This was my third pregnancy at the age of 33. I had delivered my other two boys the total natural way with midwives and no drugs and I wanted to deliver this pregnancy the same. Unfortunately I moved towards the end of my pregnancy and there were no midwives around me without an hour drive. I had my last prenatal appointment with the new doctor two days before I delivered. Durning this
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

Plant based diet and PPCM

Dr. Kim Williams, president of the American College of Cardiology and chief of cardiology at Rush University, advocates a plant-based diet. William says, "the most important things are plant-based nutrition, exercise, and weight loss. Most people will succumb to heart disease, diabetes, or hypertension on the standard American diet, which is why heart disease is the biggest killer in America. So the best primary prevention strategy is improved lifestyle. ” In his article in his
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

this is now my story

Hello my name is Sara , This is my story  in 2013 I got pregnant I had a    healthy pregnancy up until 36weeks  I then started getting  high blood pressure  and swollen in my legs and feet. My Ob was watching me closely until I gave birth to my beautiful healthy baby boy at 39weeks  June 2014, 5 days after baby was born  I got very sick it was Bad I was Hospitalized I had 10
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

Noone warned me

I had the easiest pregnancy ever. I went to every prenatal appointment and was the picture of health...or so i thought. Towards the end of my pregnancy, I began go randomly feel my heart skip beats and I'd get light headed. I spoke to my OB and he told me it was normal and i shouldn't worry. At my 37 week appointment my blood pressure was higher than my normal
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha


June 9th, 2014: The day we found out we were pregnant. February 17th, 2015: Due Date. February 24th, 2015: The date my precious baby, Nash William, was born. March 1st, 2015: Admitted to the hospital with pneumonia and possible PE. And the date that will forever rock my world.... March 2nd, 2015: My heart birthday...the day I was told I was in heart failure. I cannot even begin to explain the ache you feel
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

Happy Heart turned to a Broken Heart

I tried my best to get pregnant due to other health concerns that would cause me to have a hysterectomy and luckily I found out at 5 weeks that I was going to be a mom all over again. It was a rough pregnancy due to bleeding up until 20 weeks. The doctor and I didn't think I would carry him to term. To our surprise, I made it to term and was
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha


My name is Lauren and I'm 23 yours old. I got pregnant at 21 and had my beautiful baby girl at 22. During my pregnancy it was fairly normal outside of having high blood pressure. I carried my daughter well and she was very healthy. I gave birth to her June 20th 2014. I was in the hospital for 2 days and was let go to go home. Later after getting home I.
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

East Carolina University PPCM Study

PPCM Study information: East Carolina University has partnered with leading medical institutions to study quality of life issues in women diagnosed with Peripartum Cardiomyopathy (PPCM). Our team of physicians and researchers has developed the Peripartum Cardiomyopathy Quality of Life Registry (PC-QoL Registry) to help medical professionals learn more about women’s long-term physical and emotional needs after diagnosis of PPCM. By understanding women’s perspectives on their health, social su
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

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