Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

34 with 6 children

Hello all, I am an 34 year old African American woman I have 8 children 6 living. Ages 18, 13, 11, 8, 6 and 4 months. My last pregnacy was really hard I just chalked it up to my age, I felt tired and heavy all the time. Late in my pregnacy I felt like I was dying like the pregnancy was poisoning my body and I expressed my concerns with my doctor and made
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

Diagnosed during first pregnancy

Im so thankful that i happened upon this site!!  I wish I knew that PPCM was a sickness before I was pregnant.  I thought all my symptomes were just a normal part of pregnancy, like so many other victoms.  Most pregnant women dont appreciate it when you share your good news with somebody and they tell you their horror story of pregnancy/labor/delivery.  I was one of these woman.  I am a full time
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

4th Pregnancy!

I was diagnosed with PPCM on September 2,2014 the day after my fourth child was born.I had been short of breath and feeling very sick a week leading up to  the birth of my daughter told my Dr. And she said welcome to the 9 month of pregnancy and assuring me that's why I felt so horrible .On August 31,2014 I decided to take my blood pressure and it was
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

Mary Roberts PPCM story

I was diagnosed with PPCM(postpartum cardiomyopathy) in November 2 weeks after I had my son Gavin. It was shocking and life changing news. The day before i was diagnosed I had called my Dad to tell him I wasnt feel right and was overwhelmed and asked if he could come stay a few days with me. He worked his route and then drove up afterwards and took off the rest of the week. he
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

21 year old new mom of twins!!

Carrying twins was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I carried to 37 wks and 3 days and delivered via c - section. During my 3 day stay in the hospital after having them my o2 level would drop into the 80's and they would slap oxygen on me and get it back up to normal and forget about it. On day 3 they released me from the hospital.
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

Thought it was nothing.

I gave birth to my daughter August 24th 2007.  She was my third live baby, delivered via scheduled c-section.  I had had several miscarriages and she was my 6th pregnancy.  She was a very healthy 9lb 15oz bundle of energy.  I felt better than ever after delivery, stayed the normal 3 days in the hospital and was released home.  Once I brought my little one home to meet her 8 year old brother and 4
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

Alyssa's story

I was diagnosed after I had my first son. I was rushed to the operating room to have a c-section and just told I was having heart failure. I remember just watching the heart monitor as they were performing the c-section and just praying I would live to see my precious baby that I loved so much. After he was born I held him for less than minute before they rushed me to the icu.
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

Still Scared

I'm Amanda and I am 27 years old. I became pregnant with my third child in June of 2011. To be honest I wasn't happy about this pregnany for a while because the pregnancy right before it I had a stillborn at 34 weeks and I wasn't supposed to get pregnant again for three years. And certainly not until I had undergone many tests because the reasons for my
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

Diagnosed With PPCM after Having Twins

I am 22 and in March of 2014 I was pregnant with twin girls. We were ecstatic because they were our first babies and everything leading up to their birth had gone so smoothly. I was monitored very closely because they were twins and towards the end I was seeing doctors 3 times a week. They monitored my heart rate and blood pressure which were both VERY normal. I finally had my babies and it
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

Sheena's PPCM

It started with my 2nd pregnancy. I knew I would have alittle trouble with my pregnancy because I had gestational diabeties with my first. Of course I developed gestational diabeties again, but it was harder to maintain. Then I gained a lot of water weight and my doctor never said he had concerns about it. He had been in practice maybe 40 years you think he would have experienced this before, but I  had no
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

Faith and Strength

Only a few days ago I found out I am pregnant with my fifth - I have three live children and had one miscarriage in 2009.  My last live birth was 2006.  It was this one in which I was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy.  Here are the stats from my births: March 9, 2001 - healthy, born on due date, vaginal with no tears, episiotomy, or medication at all.  I was 22 December 17, 2003 -
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

Fight for life

In 2007, I had just given birth to my baby boy and 3 days later found myself in the cardiac unit at Rex Hospital having difficulty breathing. My lungs were full of fluid and my LV Ejection Fraction was 6%. Nurses were telling Chad to hold the baby where I can see him! A new term was thrown at me that effects 1 in 10,00...0 pregnant women called Peripartum Cardiomyopathy. This caused me
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

heart what?? I'm only 27

Ok so this is one of the hardest things I'll ever wright. I was 27 years old pregnant with my 3rd child, my first girl. The pregnancy was harder than my prior 2. I had gestational diabetes and preclampsia. During what was to be my last month my OB doctors were watching me closely, to the point where I was in the office 2x a week and getting an ultra sound once a
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

Birth of Foster ♡

For all my past, present and future heart sisters, and to those who lost the battle!! Imagine going in to the hospital to have your child... Mind you I was expecting a C-section, but wasn't expecting to be told that I had to be put under completely... Next thing I know I am waking up unable to breathe, begging for Lasix... I got to see Foster for MAYBE a minute or two and
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

Heart Failure at 35?!!?

We had tried to have kids for 13 years, finally in 1995 I finally got pregnant with AI. He was born 7 weeks early and was only 3.5 lbs.  The second preganancy was a fluke. We weren't trying but we weren't trying not too either. That was 1998. My husband was in the military and was gone for a few weeks. I'd had my regular appt right before
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

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