Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

Seven Days

One early Sunday morning, my seven day old son saved my life. While up with him, I noticed my breathing was strained and I felt out of sorts. Myles, my little son, was my third child..joining his then nine and seven year old sisters. I was anxiety ridden and thought that I was simply fighting off the post-partum depression that had become common for me after childbirth. Later that morning, I was admitted into
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

Ppcm at 17

I was diagnosed with PPCM when I was 17 years old in July of 2011, about 5 days after my son was born. I was fine during my pregnancy, just blood pressure clomplications. It was horrible, I was in the hospital close to two weeks, my heart failed and lungs collapsed. Of course, no one knows what could've caused it. I have been released from my heart doctor after a year went by,
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

The Day it went down!

From the begining of my pregnancy I wanted to do everything natural. Have a natural child birth, no pain meds or anything, and breast feed! I was so mentally ready for all of that. The begining of my pregnancy was normal... morning sickness, cravings, you know, all that good stuff. Then around month five or six I began to feel my ankles and feet get swollen... nothing shocking it was summer after all. I was
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

The Sudden and Unexplained Catastrophe of My Second Birth

My story starts at the birth of my second child in 2011. It was a long VBAC which became a transfer to hospital and a C-section. That same day I was sitting in a hospital bed in a haze of post birth hormones having cuddles and feeding and already wondering when I’ll be able to go home when a happy young nurse bimbles over to do my obs.Pulse – ExcellentBP – BeautifulOxygen Saturation – Shot-to-hell.Nurse
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

First and only pregnancy

my story was like any other my ex husband and I decided to have a baby. It took us 6 mths but finally we was pregnant we was so excited to start a family. through out my pregnancy everything was fine. I was feeling fine then the last couple mths i noticed I swelling real bad in my face feet and legs. Which I knew swelling was normal in pregnancy but I never seen anyone
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

My Journey To Motherhood

Just an FYI - this is going to be long!  I haven't ever written my story before, and I feel the need to get it all out there, so it will be lengthy, I'm sure.  My journey to motherhood was a long one, filled with a rollercoaster of emotions.  As a Type 1 diabetic for 16 years, I had always taken decent care of myself, but when my husband and I
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha


After having two beautiful girls, we finally had a handsome baby boy on October 11, 2013. He had to be delivered by c-section because he was breech. The OBGYN doctor was unable to turn him prior to delivery.  At 40 years old, I really was feeling great until I returned to work eight weeks later. I began having shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat. Reluctantly, I made an appointment with my primary doctor on December
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

Lisa DeGrave's Story

As a single Mom of two beautiful daughters, I took a leap, and went to nursing school.  I went down to part-time hours at my office job for the local ob clinic in which I had been working for the previous five years.  I remember sitting in orientation, shaking like a leaf.  I wasn’t a spring chicken, I had responsibilities, I had bills to pay and there were only so many hours in each
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

PPCM Survivor!

On August 30, 1998 I gave birth to my beautiful daughter Hailey. My pregnancy was normal up until the last month which consisted of severe swelling, anemia, heart palpatations and shortness of breath. All of these symptoms were passed of as being normal. Two days after coming home from the hospital I stepped on the scale and saw that I had gained 20 lbs since giving birth to my daughter. On the third day after
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

i thought i was havin panik attacks

hi im a 31yr old mother to 3, i had a normal pregnancy with my 3rd child until a couple of weeks before her birth, my ankles swelled badly and i seemed to go enormous, still she was born in the birthing pool safely and healthy 6lb in march 13, 7 months ago.. i had very high blood pressure for 3 days after having her and was kept in hosp for observation and a tablet
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

It's a boy

Today is exactly one year since I found out I was pregnant with baby #4, so I guess it's time to share my story. Baby #1:  Born August 31, 2000, 8 pound healthy baby girl born vaginally no epidural.  Total time in labor 6.5 hrs. Baby #2:  Born April 21, 2006, 7lb11 oz healthy baby girl born vaginally no epidural.  Total time in labor 6 hrs. Baby #3:  Born March 10, 2011,
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

A Mother's Heartfelt Journey

In 1988 I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Amber Elise. She was 14 days late and I was in labor for 17 hours before the doctors decided to do an emergency  C-section because the baby showed some signs of distress and  Momma was too. The surgery went well, even though at one point I was desperately begging the anesthesiologist to listen to me, saying "I could not breathe".. he ignored my
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

My Pregnancy

My story begins as many regular women, my husband and I decided to try for a baby and 8 months later were thrilled with a positive pregnancy test. Around 7-9 weeks I started having heart palpitations. I called my doctors office and the ruled them as normal because of the extra blood running through your body while pregnant. Around 25 weeks I began to swell. A lot of pregnant women do this, I thought it
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

Tako-tsubo syndrome caused by caesarean clinically different to peripartum cardiomyopathy

Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is similar to Peripartum Cardiomyopathy but it is thought that the stress of a medical procedure such as spinal anesthesia, general anesthesia, and surgery, or an emotional and physical stress of the delivery could have induced the disease and caused left ventrical enlargement, as opposed to myocardial inflammation associated with infection or autoimmunity. In a small study of 15 patients, 13 subjects were found to present the onset of Tako-tsubo syndrome, with caesarea
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

Caught in Time

When I was in my eighth month of pregnancy, I was working and passed out for no reason. I called the doctor and told them I'm going to the ER because I just passed out. The nurse asked why and said that I just needed to come in for an appointment. I called my husband and we both went to the doctors office. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure due to pregnancy.
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

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