
Stories from our Members

135 Articles

My journey

Some of my story gets jumbled and fuzzy because I didn't understand what was happening. I will do my best to tell it the best I can remember. Thinking of this brings tears to my eyes and I have been putting this off for awhile now...I joined a couple of months ago and I can't bring myself to read people's stories because it is so near and dear
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

THIS is what a heart failure patient looks like. Not what you were expecting? Neither was I.

The title to my story comes from a logo on a tshirt I saw recently, and I think it fits this type of cardiomyopathy perfectly. I had my first two children at a young age, I'm 34 and they are now 17 and 13. I had no complications with either pregnancy, other than continous nausea, and thought I was done with child bearing. Then I got divorced, eventually remarried, and we had decided
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

This can't be right..

I've put this story off for quite some time. Some things I wish I could forget. Some things are quite blurry. Until myheartsisters, I can tell my story to someone, but it never quite sunk in. It's like being a mom, you don't know what it's REALLY like until you're actually there yourself. This may be long, may be scatter brained, but hang in there.
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

One of the lucky ones...

After reading stories from other PPCM patients, I realize that I am one of the lucky ones... My due date was March 5, 2012. On March 19th, I waddled into the maternity unit for an induction at 2:30 in the afternoon. Other than being two weeks over due, I had a great pregnancy. I was swollen and tired, but I was feeling pretty good. My son was born at 4:21 - a little
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

I'm so scared

Hi there! It was January 2013 that i was diagnosed with this illness, 2 months after i gave birth to my first child. On new years eve, i have difficulty in breathing due to my dry cough. The next day i went to the hospital and they found out that i have a community acquired pneumonia. I was admitted then to the hospital and do some laboratories. They found out the my heart is enlarged
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

Still fighting

Apologize my english.  This was very difficult to me, like when I was diagnosed with diabetes type II. My first months of pregnancy were very good, but at my 35 week I was diagnose with preclamsia and the doctors send me to the hospital to stay there until my 37 week.  The doctors in that hospital treat me like an animal because they try to put me to deliver my baby with many things and
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

PPCM - Feb 27th 2013

My name is Vanessa and I was diagnosed with PPCM Feb 27th of 2013, 2.5 months after the birth of my son and 3 weeks after his passing.  My son was born very ill due to a random genetic deletion that we found through genetic testing that caused his heart to be non-compacted.  At his wake, I developed chest pain and palpitations.  It lasted for 3 weeks.  I finally decided to be checked out
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

My journey in the moment as it was happening

Thursday November 22, 2012 was the day that changed my world. Its thanksgiving and the first full day that we own our new house in rancho. The evening comes and we go to sue and mikes for thanksgiving dinner. I'm feeling uncomfortable and still swollen in my feet and legs.  Sue pulls out the blood pressure cuff for a family friend. I had a weird feeling with the thought of preeclampsia that I
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

Mimi's Heart

My first (and only) pregnancy was a complicated one.  It didn't start that way.  It began as all first time pregnancies begin, with joy, hope, fear, and love.  A new life, a new adventure.  We were excitied with all the possibilities new life brings. Around my fourth month of pregnancy, I began having pain in my abdomen.  I thought at first it was the normal changes, stretching, expanding inside and out.  However, it
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha


I had been married 6 months when I found out I was pregnant. I was excited! I absolutely loved children and had spent my young career as a teacher for children with special needs. My big dream was simple. I wanted to marry and have a family of my own. My pregnancy, like most women, started out roughly. I had morning sickness all day and all night. I had a difficult time keeping food down.
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

First time Mom

I couldn't have been happier to see a positive pregnancy test only 2 months after going off birth control.  The first 34 weeks of my pregnancy couldn't have been any more perfect.  All tests came back as good as possible, we were expecting our first child, a baby girl on March 28, 2013.  I had many ultrasounds during the pregnancy due to a "higher BMI" and everything always came
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha


On April 4, 2013 I gave birth to boy/girl twins as a gestational surrogate. I had been sick with upper resp infection/sinus infection/allergies for many weeks starting with my 29th week of pregnancy and ending around my 34th. I also had low potassium as well. Then around 33 weeks my BP's started elevating but not bad enough for BP meds. My doctor requested weekly labs and they were great. I
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

From Labor to Heart Failure

i had a really long, painful, horrible labor and most women do. I went a week over with my little girl, it was the worst week of my life.. i was in so much pain and didnt sleep a wink in the whole week! i hated night times, and the hospital just kept sending me home and telling me to have a bath! it WASNT helping! on the thursday they finally kept me
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

Hope for a Mother's Heart

My story starts four months into my pregnancy when I made the first of three emergency trips to the hospital. All of our trips began with what appeared to be benign symptoms: a nosebleed that wouldn’t clot, a cough thought to be pneumonia, and severe headaches. But at each trip, the physicians were more concerned with my blood pressure. Unfortunately, each physician I dealt with only tested me for pre-eclampsia. Given my age, 28,
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

Recovery is Possible!

I would just like to send an encouraging message to any woman suffering from PPCM. I was diagnosed in July of 2005, when my son was born. It was the most horrific and terrifing experience of my life. I almost didn't survive, but by the grace of God, I pulled through. At first, it seemed so depressing and hopeless. I was on about 7 different medications, not feeling well, and having to take
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

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